Poliwager Adoptables

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Poliwager Adoptables Events

Here are any prizes from events that you have won. Check back here after the announcement to see if you've won and can adopt a prize Pokémon egg! Be sure to check any updates at the top of the page to read about any upcoming events!

If there is an event ticket active, you may redeem the event ticket once for the Pokémon listed. Then, the egg will appear on the Adopt page.

You will be the only one able to see your event eggs, so you may take any time needed to find the eggs. Please note, however, that if you have not been online in over 2 years, your event Pokémon eggs will then be made available to adopt from the Adopt page by other users, so be sure to adopt them in a timely fashion.

You must be logged in to see if you've won any events!

Past Events (Show All)

2024 Events
New Years 2024Event TicketKimono Victini
January 2024Shiny Furfrou HuntRayquaza, Regigigas
February 2024Chocolate Egg Token CollectingEgg-themed eggs including Latias, Latios, Shaymin [Land Forme], Shaymin [Sky Forme], Meloetta [Aria Forme], Meloetta [Pirouette Forme], Diancie, Kubfu
Pokémon Day 2024Event TicketsPikachu [Original Cap], Pikachu [Hoenn Cap], Pikachu [Sinnoh Cap], Pikachu [Unova Cap], Pikachu [Kalos Cap], Pikachu [Alola Cap], Pikachu [Partner Cap], Pikachu [World Cap]
March 2024Parcel EventCresselia, Magearna, Victini, Jirachi, Celebi, Mew
April 2024Flower Collecting EventGiratina [Origin], Giratina [Altered], Darkrai
April Fools 2024Event TicketDunsparce
May 2024Funfest MissionsLugia
Emolga Day 2024Event TicketCan't Emolga
June 2024Shiny Pansage, Pansear, Panpour HuntHo-Oh, Zarude
Poliwager Adoptables Anniversary 2023Event TicketEnamorus
July & August 2024Relic Collecting EventDeoxys [Attack], Deoxys [Defense], Deoxys [Speed]
August 2024Parcel EventTapu Koko, Tapu Lele, Tapu Bulu, Tapu Fini, Zacian, Zamazenta
September 2024Funfest MissionsSpectrier, Glastrier