Poliwager Adoptables

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TheDemigod3142's Profile

"Hi! I'm new, but I do click back! :3"
December 9, 2013, 12:43 pm
Today: 0 Ints, 0 Views, 0 Adopted


This user currently does not have any eggs.

Active Pokémon
Box 1Box 2Box 3Box 4Box 5
Box 6Box 7Box 8Box 9Box 10

Lv: 1 (3.8k / 10k)

Lv: 4 (5 / 10.6k)

Lv: 3 (4.7k / 12.5k)

Lv: 2 (3.1k / 10k)

Lv: 3 (9.3k / 10.6k)

Lv: 3 (9.5k / 10k)

Lv: 3 (9.3k / 10.6k)

Lv: 6 (4k / 10k)

Lv: 5 (7.8k / 10k)

Lv: 8 (6.8k / 10k)

Lv: 7 (1.8k / 12.5k)

Lv: 6 (8.1k / 10.6k)

Lv: 3 (13.4k / 16.4k)

Lv: 11 (7.6k / 8k)

Lv: 3 (2.3k / 10k)

Lv: 4 (737 / 10k)

Lv: 3 (5.2k / 10k)

Lv: 3 (5k / 10k)

View TheDemigod3142's Released and Bred Pokémon

TheDemigod3142's Journal
Hi! :D

I am a new member of the Poliwager community, so please try and respect me. I do, however, like to give clicks to those who do the same for my Pokemon and Eggs. I recently joined Poliwager Adoptables, and I have been loving it ever since! The community here is great, and there are so many fun features provided by the site that I've never been bored playing the game! The staff, though I have yet to meet them at present, seem to be very friendly, and the help given by them and the community throughout the site has really helped me to get start the game properly! Thank you for Poliwager Adoptables! I hope you will accept me as a member of the community from here on.

-Happy 5th Birthday Poliwager!-

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TheDemigod3142's Items (Show All)

TheDemigod3142's Pokémon Stats
Total Pokémon Obtained: 20Pokémon Currently Active: 18 (Avg. Lv. 4)
Pokédex Pages: 17Shiny Pokédex Pages: 0
Pokémon Evolved: 0Pokémon Released: 2
Pokémon Bred: 5Pokéwalker Steps: 0
Pokémon Medals: 0Times Pokémon Camped: 0
Pokémon Views Today: 0Most Daily Pokémon Views: 16 on July 17, 2024 (#725)
Pokémon Eggs Adopted Today: 0Most Daily Pokémon Eggs Adopted: 0 on ----- (#0)
TheDemigod3142's User Stats
Joined: November 30, 2013, 11:07 amInteractions Today: 0
Poké Dollars: 2,968Poké Dollars Spent: 1,000
Items Bought: 2Items Found: 0
Items Sold: 0Achievements Unlocked: 0
Berries Collected: 4Berries Fed to Snorlax: 8
Legendary Number Games Played: 10Legendary Number Games Won: 0
Rare Lottery Tickets Bought: 0Legendary Lottery Tickets Bought: 0
Rare Lottery Wins: 0Legendary Lottery Wins: 0
Times at Mt. Chimney: 27Soot Collected: 644
Game Coins: 0Game Coins Flipped: 0
Game Coin Flip Games Won: 0Game Coin Flip Games Lost: 0
Poster Presses: 0Feeling Checks: 3
Times Underwater: 0Most Daily Interactions: 0 on ----- (#0)