Poliwager Adoptables

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Pokédex #9020 - Autumn Turtwig

This variant of Turtwig seems to be only found during the autumn months. Its shell is harder than a normal Turtwig's.
Species: Autumn Turtwig
Pokédex: #9020

88% Male
Female 12%

Egg Steps Required to Hatch: 5,120
Experience Required to Level Up: 10,599
Found during: Autumn
Adopted Autumn Turtwig: 3,183 (3,390 Total Lifetime)
Adopted Shiny Autumn Turtwig: 6 (9 Total Lifetime)
Total Autumn Turtwig eggs: 0
: 0 (0 Total Lifetime)
Your Adopted Shiny Autumn Turtwig: 0 (0 Total Lifetime)

Autumn Turtwig

Hatch from Egg

Autumn Grotle

Level 18

Autumn Torterra

Level 32

Total Autumn Turtwig Stickers Obtained: 0
Not Obtained By You Yet!

Top 10 Autumn Turtwig By Total Clicks
(Show Top 100 By Total Clicks, Views, Times Camped, or IVs Instead)

Rank # Pokémon Owned By Total Clicks
Shiny Autumn Turtwig
NovariusHaze 736
NovariusHaze 529
Shiny Autumn Turtwig
Pokegirl24 291
Autumn Turtwig
evergreenn 249
Autumn Turtwig
Featherh123 249
Autumn Turtwig
Bendy Demon 227
PoisonIvey1998 227
Autumn Turtwig
Bendy Demon 218
Autumn Turtwig
tpf 216
Autumn Turtwig
tpf 215

Top 25 Autumn Turtwig Adopters

Rank #UsernameTotal Adopted
#1Pokegirl241,174 (1 Shiny)
#2NovariusHaze810 (1 Shiny)
#4tpf160 (1 Shiny)
#8I love squirtle line53 (2 Shiny)
#9CartoonAnimalGamer48 (1 Shiny)
#10Mistwing41 (1 Shiny)
#12Lady Mew33
#16Crashinggg23 (1 Shiny)
#22Bendy Demon13