Poliwager Adoptables

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Pokédex #9001 - Birthday Poliwag

A special type of Poliwag that comes out around birthdays.
Species: Birthday Poliwag
Pokédex: #9001

50% Male
Female 50%

Egg Steps Required to Hatch: 5,120
Experience Required to Level Up: 10,599
Found during: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Adopted Birthday Poliwag: 6,402 (7,372 Total Lifetime)
Adopted Shiny Birthday Poliwag: 12 (26 Total Lifetime)
Total Birthday Poliwag eggs: 0
: 0 (0 Total Lifetime)
Your Adopted Shiny Birthday Poliwag: 0 (0 Total Lifetime)

Birthday Poliwag

Hatch from Egg

Birthday Poliwhirl

Level 30

Birthday Poliwrath

Use Water Stone

Birthday Politoed

Use Kings Rock

Total Birthday Poliwag Stickers Obtained: 0
Not Obtained By You Yet!

Top 10 Birthday Poliwag By Total Clicks
(Show Top 100 By Total Clicks, Views, Times Camped, or IVs Instead)

Rank # Pokémon Owned By Total Clicks
Shiny Birthday
Slix 4,232
Birthday Poliwag
Vaporized 1,408
Birthday Poliwag
Vaporized 1,407
Birthday Poliwag
Seamantis 1,368
J 18
Slix 1,320
Birthday Poliwag
Slix 1,316
Birthday Poliwag
Stumpy 961
Birthday Poliwag
Pokegirl24 947
Birthday Poliwag
Sadistic Snivy 930
Birthday Poliwag
Seamantis 903

Top 25 Birthday Poliwag Adopters

Rank #UsernameTotal Adopted
#1NovariusHaze1,035 (2 Shiny)
#2Pokegirl24550 (1 Shiny)
#3evergreenn516 (4 Shiny)
#4I love squirtle line308 (2 Shiny)
#5Featherh123255 (1 Shiny)
#7Slix215 (3 Shiny)
#8Silverair832213 (2 Shiny)
#10jirachi100194 (1 Shiny)
#14CartoonAnimalGamer164 (2 Shiny)
#15Lady Mew148 (1 Shiny)
#17WaluigiMaster136 (1 Shiny)
#20tpf121 (1 Shiny)
#25Nyaoha78 (1 Shiny)