Poliwager Adoptables

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Server Time: 10:57 am

Pokédex #829 - Gossifleur

It whirls around in the wind while singing a joyous song. This delightful display has charmed many into raising this Pokémon.
Species: Gossifleur
Pokédex: #829

50% Male
Female 50%

Egg Steps Required to Hatch: 5,120
Experience Required to Level Up: 10,000
Egg Groups: Grass
Found during: Spring, Summer
Adopted Gossifleur: 6,359 (8,878 Total Lifetime)
Adopted Shiny Gossifleur: 25 (35 Total Lifetime)
Total Gossifleur eggs: 0
: 0 (0 Total Lifetime)
Your Adopted Shiny Gossifleur: 0 (0 Total Lifetime)


Hatch from Egg


Level 20

Total Gossifleur Stickers Obtained: 6
Not Obtained By You Yet!

Top 10 Gossifleur By Total Clicks
(Show Top 100 By Total Clicks, Views, Times Camped, or IVs Instead)

Rank # Pokémon Owned By Total Clicks
Shiny Gossifleur
evergreenn 793
Juan Thyme
I love squirtle line 571
Shiny Gossifleur
yuradily 527
Shiny Gossifleur
SurfsideJam 422
Shiny Gossifleur
Pokegirl24 380
Shiny Gossifleur
tpf 360
Nyaoha 331
Shiny Gossifleur
NovariusHaze 315
evergreenn 297
PoisonIvey1998 294

Top 25 Gossifleur Adopters

Rank #UsernameTotal Adopted
#1NovariusHaze1,658 (4 Shiny)
#2Pokegirl24714 (2 Shiny)
#4tpf479 (2 Shiny)
#6Duckie430 (1 Shiny)
#7Slix408 (2 Shiny)
#8BLEACHIchigo1332 (1 Shiny)
#9xcscientist312 (1 Shiny)
#10PoisonIvey1998293 (1 Shiny)
#12jirachi100225 (2 Shiny)
#13Espy213 (1 Shiny)
#14CartoonAnimalGamer208 (2 Shiny)
#16evergreenn171 (1 Shiny)
#17SylveonGamer2021160 (2 Shiny)
#18I love squirtle line159 (2 Shiny)
#20Mistwing130 (1 Shiny)
#23NoctisVoid91 (1 Shiny)
#24Lady Mew75 (2 Shiny)