Poliwager Adoptables

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Pokédex #786 - Tapu Lele

Although called a guardian deity, Tapu Lele is devoid of guilt about its cruel disposition and can be described as nature incarnate.
Species: Tapu Lele
Pokédex: #786


Egg Steps Required to Hatch: 3,840
Experience Required to Level Up: 12,500
Found during: Spring, Summer, Autumn, Winter
Adopted Tapu Lele: 127 (128 Total Lifetime)
Adopted Shiny Tapu Lele: 0 (0 Total Lifetime)
Total Tapu Lele eggs: 0
: 0 (0 Total Lifetime)
Your Adopted Shiny Tapu Lele: 0 (0 Total Lifetime)

Tapu Lele

Hatch from Egg

Total Tapu Lele Stickers Obtained: 0
Not Obtained By You Yet!

Top 10 Tapu Lele By Total Clicks
(Show Top 100 By Total Clicks, Views, Times Camped, or IVs Instead)

Rank # Pokémon Owned By Total Clicks
Tapu Lele
Stumpy 953
Tapu Lele
Guydudeman 475
Tapu Lele
Stumpy 381
Tapu Lele
tpf 306
Tapu Lele
tpf 294
Tapu Lele
PoisonIvey1998 287
Tapu Lele
tpf 270
Tapu Lele
Slix 266
Tapu Lele
tpf 263
Tapu Lele
PoisonIvey1998 245

Top 25 Tapu Lele Adopters

Rank #UsernameTotal Adopted
#2Lady Mew6
#25Bendy Demon2