Poliwager Adoptables

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October Events + Community Weekend [Psychic-type]

ion123's Profile

No Status Message...
September 14, 2012, 9:15 pm
Today: 0 Ints, 24 Views, 0 Adopted


This user currently does not have any eggs.

Active Pokémon
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Lv: 1 (238 / 10.6k)

Lv: 1 (5.6k / 8k)

Nidoran F
Lv: 1 (232 / 10.6k)

Lv: 1 (183 / 10k)

Lv: 2 (3.6k / 10k)

Lv: 1 (207 / 10k)

Lv: 1 (176 / 8k)

Lv: 1 (420 / 10k)

im a cow moooooo dont try to t
Lv: 1 (11.2k / 12.5k)

Lv: 7 (9.5k / 10.6k)

what do i look like
Lv: 2 (6.9k / 10k)

Lv: 3 (3.1k / 10k)

Lv: 5 (5.1k / 6k)

Lv: 2 (4.7k / 10k)

im a movie star kissssss
Lv: 2 (6.9k / 10k)

ugly kiss kiss marry me
Lv: 3 (2k / 10k)

Lv: 4 (4.7k / 10k)

cha cha cha
Lv: 5 (9.5k / 10k)

Lv: 10 (782 / 10.6k)

Lv: 6 (1.3k / 10k)

i like pocorn
Lv: 4 (9.5k / 10k)

im fat
Lv: 5 (1.1k / 10k)

i belive i could fly ahaha i f
Lv: 3 (12.3k / 12.5k)

Lv: 4 (9.5k / 10.6k)

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DeAtHThEKiD1464, kirby, Poliwrath
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ion123's Pokémon Stats
Total Pokémon Obtained: 26Pokémon Currently Active: 24 (Avg. Lv. 3)
Pokédex Pages: 21Shiny Pokédex Pages: 0
Pokémon Evolved: 0Pokémon Released: 2
Pokémon Bred: 2Pokéwalker Steps: 0
Pokémon Medals: 0Times Pokémon Camped: 0
Pokémon Views Today: 24Most Daily Pokémon Views: 11 on July 17, 2024 (#932)
Pokémon Eggs Adopted Today: 0Most Daily Pokémon Eggs Adopted: 0 on ----- (#0)
ion123's User Stats
Joined: July 23, 2012, 7:55 pmInteractions Today: 0
Poké Dollars: 1,193Poké Dollars Spent: 750
Items Bought: 2Items Found: 0
Items Sold: 0Achievements Unlocked: 0
Berries Collected: 1Berries Fed to Snorlax: 0
Legendary Number Games Played: 2Legendary Number Games Won: 0
Rare Lottery Tickets Bought: 0Legendary Lottery Tickets Bought: 0
Rare Lottery Wins: 0Legendary Lottery Wins: 0
Times at Mt. Chimney: 0Soot Collected: 105
Game Coins: 0Game Coins Flipped: 0
Game Coin Flip Games Won: 0Game Coin Flip Games Lost: 0
Poster Presses: 0Feeling Checks: 0
Times Underwater: 0Most Daily Interactions: 0 on ----- (#0)