Poliwager Adoptables

Mystery Counter: Broken!
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September Events + Community Weekend [Grass-type] • August Events

Poliwager Adoptables Statistics


Site Stats for Pokémon:

13,156 interactions today
876 views today
47 Pokémon adopted today
52,930,741 interactions
701,766 Pokémon adopted
Most interactions in a day: 205,429
on November 27, 2023
Most views in a day: 30,023
on October 24, 2021
Most Pokémon adopted in a day: 4,433
on November 27, 2023
701,698 Pokémon hatched
68 Pokémon eggs unhatched
1,414 unclaimed Pokémon
1,089 Pokémon species found
1,655 total Pokérus-infected Pokémon
7 Pokémon with Pokérus currently
67,770 Pokémon evolved
257,931 released Pokémon
193,514 Pokémon bred
2,181,785 Pokéwalker Steps
123,252,809 happiness
35,052 Level 100 Pokémon
4,090 Game Corner Battles Completed
3,053 shiny Pokémon
Average Pokémon level: Level 24
19,395 Medals Earned
27,689 Times Pokémon Camped
17,045,709 Total Combined Pokémon Levels

Site Stats for Users:

5,998 users
27,974,816 Poké Dollars
255,442,482 Poké Dollars spent
115 users online in the last 30 days
14 users online today
Most users online in a day: 74
on November 27, 2017
100,291 purchased items
103,960 items found
204,251 items obtained
105,116 Legendary Number Games played
1,083 Legendary Number Games won
104,033 Legendary Number Games lost
340 times Mystery Counter has broken
2,532,130 highest Mystery Counter
Date of highest: June 1, 2023
8,464,390 soot collected
331,867 times at Mt. Chimney
164,115 times underwater
95,480 berries owned
162,282 berries fed to Snorlax
Most common berry: 6,328 Figy Berries
Least common berry: 10 Chilan Berries
43,182 Legendary Lottery Tickets bought
34,892 Rare Lottery Tickets bought
61,431 Feeling Checks completed
4,921,233 Game Coins
234,168 Poster Pushes
4,314 Stickers owned
24,203 total times fished
12,371 total things fished up
3,332 Berries fished up
4,725 Items fished up
4,314 Stickers fished up

The Mystery Counter has broken! What will happen?

Note that these stats are updated every 15 minutes.

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