Poliwager Adoptables

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September Events + Community Weekend [Grass-type] • August Events

Poliwager Adoptables Statistics


Most Adopted Pokémon Species

Springtime Sandshrew - 12,273 adopted
Poliwag - 12,007 adopted
Clamperl - 10,023 adopted
Stunky - 9,820 adopted
Gossifleur - 8,841 adopted
Pichu - 7,990 adopted
Nosepass - 7,294 adopted
Eevee - 6,887 adopted
Thunderstorm Emolga - 6,637 adopted
Azurill - 6,472 adopted

Most Adopted Shiny Pokémon Species

Shiny Clamperl - 52 adopted
Shiny Stunky - 39 adopted
Shiny Pichu - 37 adopted
Shiny Gossifleur - 35 adopted
Shiny Scraggy - 31 adopted
Shiny Numel - 30 adopted
Shiny Sandile - 28 adopted
Shiny Springtime Sandshrew - 27 adopted
Shiny Dedenne - 26 adopted
Shiny Nosepass - 25 adopted

Most Adopted Pokémon Species This Month

Springtime Sandshrew - 346 adopted
Turtwig - 324 adopted
Eevee - 158 adopted
Pumpkaboo Average - 125 adopted
Hoppip - 120 adopted

Least Adopted Pokémon Species

Zygarde Complete - 2 adopted
Melmetal - 5 adopted
Zygarde 10% - 6 adopted
Urshifu Rapid Strike - 9 adopted
Zygarde Core - 10 adopted
Glalie Mega - 10 adopted
Urshifu Single Strike - 12 adopted
Salamence Mega - 13 adopted
Metagross Mega - 14 adopted
Slowbro Mega - 14 adopted

Last 10 Species Found

Summer Bergmite
Earth Azurill
Clover Flabébé
Furfrou Pharaoh Trim
Furfrou Kabuki Trim
Furfrou La Reine Trim
Furfrou Dandy Trim
Furfrou Matron Trim
Furfrou Debutante Trim

Most Interacted With Pokémon

Pokémon Total Clicks
tpf's The Juggernaut 19,346
Pokegirl24's Shiny Ralts 10,402
jirachi100's Wishy 10,028
jirachi100's Ribbon 9,643
jirachi100's Zippy 9,626
jirachi100's Marie 9,387
Mistwing's Shiny Dedenne 8,983
Mistwing's Fossil Aerodactyl 8,604
Mistwing's Shiny Skiddo 8,585
Mistwing's Shiny Flabebe 8,481

Most Viewed Pokémon

Pokémon Total Views
Slix's Shaymin 152,933
tpf's The Juggernaut 137,395
jirachi100's Ribbon 116,828
jirachi100's Wishy 111,173
tpf's Dooms Day 110,653
tpf's Jolt 103,788
tpf's Phoenix Rainbow 101,347
tpf's Dnite 98,227
jirachi100's Zippy 97,159
jirachi100's Marie 93,377

Most Recent Shiny Pokémon

Pokémon Level
NovariusHaze's Shiny Deerling Autumn Level: 11
NovariusHaze's Shiny Seedot Level: 7
smurfy's Portobello Level: 13
Crashinggg's Shiny Deerling Spring Level: 3
smurfy's Meadow Level: 2
smurfy's Wendyl Level: 3
Lady Mew's Eric Level: 1
tpf's Shiny Turtwig Level: 14
smurfy's Samba Level: 6
tpf's Shiny Exeggcute Level: 15

10 Newest Pokémon Hatched

Pokémon Hatched
Calypso's Ferroseed Sep. 23, 7:24 am
Mespritrox's Clauncher Sep. 23, 7:24 am
xcscientist's Nidoran F Sep. 23, 7:24 am
Mespritrox's Frillish Sep. 23, 7:23 am
Slix's Durant Sep. 23, 7:23 am
Mespritrox's Girafarig Sep. 23, 7:23 am
Mespritrox's Murkrow Sep. 23, 7:23 am
NovariusHaze's Lileep Sep. 23, 7:23 am
xcscientist's Electrike Sep. 23, 7:20 am
Lady Mew's Cherubi Sep. 23, 7:20 am

Pokémon Recently Infected With Pokérus

Pokémon Infected
PuppyToast's Rapidash Sep. 21, 1:00 am
Mespritrox's Gallade Sep. 19, 3:57 pm
Nyaoha's Grouper Sep. 18, 10:54 am
Mespritrox's Kingler Sep. 18, 4:03 am
Nyaoha's Lili Sep. 18, 3:53 am
I love squirtle line's Earl Lee Sep. 18, 3:45 am
sentientprism's Pikachu Sep. 17, 2:29 pm
smurfy's Nichole Sep. 13, 7:35 am
tpf's Dooms Day Sep. 13, 12:23 am
Slix's Shiny Cleffa Sep. 11, 4:04 am

10 Highest IV Pokémon

Pokémon IV Total:
sweetiecurfy's Pachirisu 183 Total IVs
CartoonAnimalGamer's OP Furfrou Natural 178 Total IVs
Hana's Blitzle 177 Total IVs
BLEACHIchigo1's Lunatone 176 Total IVs
tpf's 175 IV Total 175 Total IVs
NoctisVoid's Overcurrent 175 Total IVs
Stimz's Big Baller 175 Total IVs
jirachi100's Sparx 175 Total IVs
Nyaoha's Wishiwashi Solo 174 Total IVs
NoctisVoid's Aquafina 174 Total IVs

Top 10 Pokémon With Medals

Pokémon Medals
jirachi100's Agent 4 18
jirachi100's Ribbon 17
tpf's Phoenix Rainbow 16
NovariusHaze's Shiny Bisharp 16
tpf's Time Shift 16
DarkParkai's Pyrite 16
Slix's Poliwager 15
Slix's Happy Halloween 15
Oshi's Voiakaki 15
jirachi100's Marie 15

Recent Medal Winners

Pokémon Medal
NovariusHaze's Shiny Dhelmise
NovariusHaze's Shiny Clover Flabébé
NovariusHaze's Shiny Autumn Turtwig
NovariusHaze's Shiny Rowlet
NovariusHaze's Shiny Turtwig
NovariusHaze's Shiny Torterra
smurfy's Penny
smurfy's Tangelo
Pokegirl24's Shiny Cacnea
Slix's Springtime Sandslash

Top 10 Pokémon Battlers

Pokémon Times Battled
jirachi100's Flipsy 692
PoisonIvey1998's Dunsparce 392
CartoonAnimalGamer's Rocko 346
Slix's God of Losing Battles 316
Pawprint1's Wangcore 306
Stumpy's Ribombee 250
yuradily's Cofagrigus 221
NovariusHaze's Big Bob 213
tpf's Diglett 171 IV Total 206
NovariusHaze's Oblivion 183

Top 10 Pokémon Battle Winners

Pokémon Battles Won
jirachi100's Flipsy 528
PoisonIvey1998's Dunsparce 228
CartoonAnimalGamer's Rocko 221
NovariusHaze's Big Bob 203
yuradily's Cofagrigus 186
tpf's Diglett 171 IV Total 180
Stumpy's Ribombee 151
NovariusHaze's Oblivion 150
Slix's God of Losing Battles 104
Pawprint1's Wangcore 100

Top 10 Pokémon Camped

Pokémon Times Camped
jirachi100's Agent 4 1,003
NovariusHaze's Shiny Manaphy 1,000
NovariusHaze's Crimsonia 1,000
PoisonIvey1998's Scatterbug 877
Slix's Mt. Thunder 814
ArcticTheGlaceon's Mew 764
yuradily's Sleeby 511
Stumpy's Phantump 500
cerol's Silvally 360
jirachi100's Explorer of Time 292

10 Pokémon Closest to Lv. 100

Pokémon Level
tpf's Azelf 99
tpf's Komala 99
tpf's Christmas Tropius 99
tpf's Christmas Tropius 99
evergreenn's Mantyke 99
CartoonAnimalGamer's Shiny Volcarona 99
tpf's Rhyhorn 99
NovariusHaze's Blaziken 99
NovariusHaze's Blaziken 99
NovariusHaze's Blaziken 99

Top Pokémon Adopted This Month

Pokémon Clicks
evergreenn's Deoxys Speed 213
KnightHoneybee's Pidgeot 184
Nyaoha's Grouper 150
tpf's Shiny Plusle 144
evergreenn's Zacian 94
evergreenn's Zamazenta 93
evergreenn's Deoxys Attack 93
smurfy's Terror 87
PuppyToast's Deoxys Speed 87
smurfy's Gallahad 85

Top Viewed Pokémon Adopted This Month

Pokémon Total Views
Mistwing's Karrablast 1,114
Mistwing's Larvesta 476
evergreenn's Deoxys Speed 136
Nyaoha's Grouper 63
Nyaoha's Shiny Gossifleur 63
Nyaoha's Shiny Shroomish 63
Nyaoha's Rowlet 62
Nyaoha's Larvesta 61
tpf's Turtwig 30
CartoonAnimalGamer's Surskit 29

Top 10 IVs Adopted This Month

Pokémon IV Total
NovariusHaze's Deerling Autumn 166
xcscientist's Turtwig 165
CartoonAnimalGamer's Eevee 161
Pokegirl24's Lotad 159
Crashinggg's Clobbopus 159
b0n3z's Deerling Autumn 157
jirachi100's Bellsprout 157
NovariusHaze's Fomantis 156
NovariusHaze's Eevee 155
tpf's Deerling Winter 154