December Events + Community Weekend [Ice-type]
Aristicus's Profile
"Click Katana and my eggs!"
October 6, 2012, 10:45 am Today: 0 Ints, 0 Views, 0 Adopted |
This user currently does not have any eggs. |
Active Pokémon
Box 1 • Box 2 • Box 3 • Box 4 • Box 5
Box 6 • Box 7 • Box 8 • Box 9 • Box 10
Aristicus's Released and Bred Pokémon
Piratedragon's char 13 | BLEACHIchigo1's Charmander |
Guydudeman's Charmander | Piratedragon's Princess Burner |
Grey147's Charmander | Grey147's Charmander |
ion123's Charmander | coco's Charizard |
BLEACHIchigo1's Charizard | Mespritrox's Absol |
MiloticPrismScale's KyokiShinzo | qwertyscool's Absol |
TetrisDude's Oddish | iDiamond's Castform |
onix club's Buneary | Russet's Absol |
Delibird2's Absol | chowchow2012's Absol |
Rueblie's Absol | tyawesome's Absol |
Naruto's Absol | tyawesome's Petilil |
epicyarn's Wailord | anitastellina's Absol |
savol456's Znoris | kasakmar's Riolu |
PTGigi's Absol | FreeAsEagles's Riolu |
Timemage's Light | tyawesome's Riolu |
bluebulbasaur001's Kira | DTSlurpie's Riolu |
snivy2's Absol |
Aristicus's Journal |
SCHOOL BEGINS SOON! I won't be on as much
I need an Absol! I WILL MAKE AN ABSOL ARMY! Shinies I'm hunting: Cyndaquil Absol Dratini Absol Eevee (is there even an Egg for that here?) Absol Poochyena Absol Mudkip Absol Absol Oh! Right! I almost forgot! I love competitive Pokemon battles, so if you want to battle, send me a PM. Here's my Friend Code and stuffs: Name: Aris FC: 0905 7142 9086 Oh! And if you find an Absol, it's mine! Shiny or not...JK! But I would love to have more Absol, so if you happen to not want one of yours, let me now so I can have it...In my army of Absol. Game Freak logic: Make all the Pokemon names plural already. Oh, I should probably say crap about me. I HATE homophobia. I love furries, so call me a furfag all you want. Furries are cool! I love Dark-Types, and I'm a Ghost-Type Gym leader, but I still got to have an Absol. And I um...I like Cave Story, Warriors (JayxCinder), Kingdom Hearts (AkuRoku). I'm trying to get rid of my current eggs to get more Absol |
Aristicus's Pal Pad |
luna heart shard, mihez, Ninjohn |
Click to add Aristicus to your Pal Pad! |
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Aristicus's Items (Show All)
Aristicus's Pokémon Stats | |
Total Pokémon Obtained: 193 | Pokémon Currently Active: 181 (Avg. Lv. 14) |
Pokédex Pages: 87 | Shiny Pokédex Pages: 0 |
Pokémon Evolved: 4 | Pokémon Released: 7 |
Pokémon Bred: 70 | Pokéwalker Steps: 0 |
Pokémon Medals: 0 | Times Pokémon Camped: 0 |
Pokémon Views Today: 0 | Most Daily Pokémon Views: 37 on September 10, 2024 (#831) |
Pokémon Eggs Adopted Today: 0 | Most Daily Pokémon Eggs Adopted: 0 on ----- (#0) |
Aristicus's User Stats | |
Joined: August 7, 2012, 2:02 pm | Interactions Today: 0 |
Poké Dollars: 12,524 | Poké Dollars Spent: 1,500 |
Items Bought: 3 | Items Found: 4 |
Items Sold: 4 | Achievements Unlocked: 0 |
Berries Collected: 26 | Berries Fed to Snorlax: 0 |
Legendary Number Games Played: 48 | Legendary Number Games Won: 0 |
Rare Lottery Tickets Bought: 0 | Legendary Lottery Tickets Bought: 0 |
Rare Lottery Wins: 0 | Legendary Lottery Wins: 0 |
Times at Mt. Chimney: 222 | Soot Collected: 6,568 |
Game Coins: 0 | Game Coins Flipped: 0 |
Game Coin Flip Games Won: 0 | Game Coin Flip Games Lost: 0 |
Poster Presses: 0 | Feeling Checks: 0 |
Times Fished: 0 | Berries Fished: 0 |
Items Fished: 0 | Stickers Fished: 0 |
Times Underwater: 0 | Most Daily Interactions: 0 on ----- (#0) |